CTO means canceled to order. PU means postally used.


Click on image to expand.


To print in Firefox, first click on the table. To print in Internet Explorer, first click on the table. Then click on file and on "Print Preview." In the tool bar at the top, change "As laid out on screen" to "Only the selected frame." Be sure that  "Shrink To Fit" is showing in the next box. Then click on the print icon at the far left of the tool bar and on "Print."


Discounts apply to all single items or groups of items: 5% over $50, 10% over $111.


Northeast China

Note Scott # and Description Scott Value


sold 1L1-4 $1 to $10 Mao Tse-tung, VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 40 pounds = $50) 30.75 26.00
sold 1L1-4I $1 to $10 Mao Tse-tung imperforate, VF NH (Yang NE5-8 $132) ???? 112.50
NEW++ 1L1I $1 Mao Tse-tung imperforate, F-VF NH (Yang NE5 $60; Stanley Gibbons 25 pounds = $30.50)) ???? 27.50
NEW++ 1L2I $2 Mao Tse-tung imperforate, VF NH (Yang NE6 $12; Stanley Gibbons 15 pounds = $18) ???? 14.50
NEW++ 1L5-8 $1 to $10 Map of China, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 23 pounds = $28) 24.00 17.50
NEW 1L6 $2 Map of China, VF LH 2.25  1.50
NEW 1L6 $2 Map of China, F NH 2.25  1.25
sold 1L8a $10 Map of China horizontal imperforate pair, VF NH (Ma = $60) 60.00 45.00
sold 1L8a $10 Map of China vertical imperforate pair, XF NH (Ma = $60) 60.00 45.00
NEW++ 1L9-12 $1 to $10 Railroad workers, F-VF NH 18.00 12.50
NEW 1L9-12 $1 to $10 Railroad workers, F to VF H ($5 small thin, gratis) 18.00 9.00
NEW++ 1L13-14 $5 & $10 women workers,  F-VF NH 10.00 7.00
NEW 1L14 $10 women workers, VF NH 5.00 3.50
sold 1L14I $10 women workers imperforate pair, VF-XF NH (Yang NE17a $75.00) ???? 57.50
NEW++ 1L15-16 green overprint, F-VF H (Stanley Gibbons 11 pounds = $14) 19.00 14.25
NEW++ 1L17-19 $5 to $20 Children, F-VF NH 36.50 24.50
NEW 1L17-19 $5 to $20 Children, F-VF LH (some shortened perforations on right of 10c) 36.50 18.00
sold 1L20-23 $50 to $100 overprints on $1 and $2 from first issue, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 225 pounds = $284) 120.00 100.00 (minus discount)
sold 1L22I inverted $100 black overprint on $1 from first issue, just F-VF (perfs close to frameline at bottom) NH (Stanley Gibbons 225 pounds = $284) ???? 120.00 (minus discount)
reserved 1L20a-23a $50 to $100 brown and green overprints on $1 and $2 from first issue, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 225 pounds = $284) 120.00 90.00 (minus discount)
reserved 1L24-26 $10 to $50 Labor Day, VF NH 22.50 16.50
reserved 1L27-29 $10 to $50 Student revolt, VF NH 26.00 19.50
sold 1L30-36 $2-$100 workers & banner, F-VF NH 69.50 57.50 (minus discount)
NEW++ 1L34I imperforate $30 workers & banner in red & green on newsprint VF NH (Yang NE56 $60) ???? 42.50
sold 1L37-40 $10 to $100 Mao & flag, VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 110 pounds = $138) 170.00 142.50 (minus discount)
sold 1L41-44 $10 to $100 Arm & rifle, VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 40 pounds = $50) 55.00 38.50
NEW++ 1L45-48 $10 to $100 Mountains, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 75 pounds = $92) 95.00 75.00
NEW 1L46 $30 Mountains, VF NH 10.00 6.00
NEW 1L47 $50 Mountains, F-VF NH 17.50 10.50
sold 1L49 & 50 $5 on $1 and $10 on $2 black surcharges, VF LHR (no gum as issued) -- Stanley Gibbons 150 pounds = US$189 80.00 67.50 (minus discount)
sold 1L49a & 50a $5 on $1 red surcharge, F+ (perforations cutting top line but large margins on other 3 sides) NH; and $10 on $2 blue surcharge, VF NH  (Stanley Gibbons 70 pounds = US$85) 80.00 65.50 (minus discount)
sold 1L49b & 1L50b $5 on $1 and $10 on $2 green surcharges, VF NH  (Stanley Gibbons 70 pounds = US$85) 80.00 67.50 (minus discount)
NEW++ 1L49b & 1L50b $5 on $1 and $10 on $2 green surcharges, VF centering NH but 1L49b has round upper corners (Stanley Gibbons 70 pounds = US$85) 80.00 57.50 (minus discount)
sold 1L49b  $5 on $1 variety, green surcharge inverted, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 160 pounds = US$202) ????? 72.50 (minus discount)
sold 1L51-54 Map of Manchuria, VF NH  (Stanley Gibbons 55 pounds = $69) 40.00 35.50
sold 1L55-57 $10 to $100 Political Council offices, F-VF NH  (Stanley Gibbons 290 pounds = $364) 210.00 185.00 (minus discount)
  1L58-65 $1 to $90 Mao, 7 are VF NH, 1L62 is VF LH (Stanley Gibbons 88 pounds = $110) 75.50 62.50 (minus discount)
sold 1L61 $15 Mao, VF H (Stanley Gibbons 25 pounds = $??) 18.00 13.50
NEW++ 1L62 $20 Mao, F+ light corner cancel (Stanley Gibbons 3.25 pounds = $4) 6.00 3.00
NEW 1L63 $30 Mao, F-VF NH 1.00 .60
NEW++ 1L63 $30 Mao, F-VF LH 1.00 .50
  1L66 $100 on newsprint, F-VF NH 0.80 .50
  1L66a $100 on white paper, F (perforations cut top frameline) NH 4.00 2.00
NEW++ 1L67a(1) $500 on white paper, VF H 32.50 26.50
NEW++ 1L67a(2) $500 on white paper, F-VF LH 32.50 24.50
NEW++ 1L67a(3) $500 on white paper, F+ (perforations touching frmeline at top H 32.50 23.50
NEW++ 1L67a $500 on thick yellowish paper (Ma NE92b), F-VF LH 32.50 26.50
NEW++ 1L67a $500 on thick yellowish paper (Ma NE92b), light CD cancel F-VF LH 30.00 17.50
NEW++ 1L68, VF NH 1.00 .75
  1L69a $150 without watermark, VF NH 2.75 2.00
  1L70 $250 without watermark, VF NH 0.90 .65
NEW++ 1L70 block of 4 with side margin, $250 without watermark, VF NH 3.60++ 3.50
1L70a $250 with watermark, VF NH 1.25 .90
sold 1L71(1) $300 on newsprint, almost VF VLH (Stanley Gibbons 120 pounds = $146.50) 55.00 75.00
NEW++ 1L71(2) $300 on newsprint, F-VF H (Stanley Gibbons 120 pounds = $146.50) 55.00 62.50
  1L72 $1000 yellowish orange on newsprint, F NH 1.50 1.00
NEW++ 1L72 $1000 yellowish orange on newsprint, F-VF medium corner cancel 2.00 1.00
  1L72a $1000 yellow on white paper, F-VF NH 1.50 1.25
sold 1L73-75 $30 to $150 Hand and torch, VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 50 pounds = $62.50) 57.50 44.50
sold 1L76-77 $30 and $150 Tomb, F-VF small light hinge remnant 48.00 34.50
sold 1L76a-77a $30 and $150 Tomb on granite paper, VF NH 48.00 39.50
NEW++ 1L78-80 $50 to $250 Globe and banner, VF NH 4 missing perforatios on $100 36.00 18.00
sold 1L81-83 $50 to $250 Student & torch, with matching tabs containing Chninese characters on left, VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 70 pounds = $87.50) 67.00 62.50
sold 1L84 $100 on $1 black surcharge, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 375 pounds = $467.50) 75.00 72.50
sold 1L84a $100 on $1 blue surcharge, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 90 pounds = $112.50) 60.00 52.50
sold 1L85 $100 on $15 black surcharge, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 35 pounds = $43.50) 28.00 23.50
sold 1L85a $100 on $15 blue surcharge, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 90 pounds = $112.50) 50.00 43.50
NEW++ 1L85v $100 on $30 blue surcharge, F-VF NH (error, Yang NE114a $180; Stanley Gibbons 325 pounds = US$396.50) ???? 250.00
sold 1L86 $300 on $5, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 100 pounds = $125.00) 55.00 42.50
sold 1L87 $300 on $30, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 20 pounds = $25.00) 20.00 16.00
NEW++ 1L87v $300 on $30, F-VF NH dropped 3 in surcharge (Stanley Gibbons 28+ pounds = $34+) 20.00+ 20.00
sold 1L88 $300 on $90, F-VF NH missing perforations (Stanley Gibbons 20 pounds = $25.00) 15.00 7.50
sold 1L89v1 $500 on $2, just F-VF NH raised second 0 in surcharge (Stanley Gibbons 25+ pounds = $30.50+) 12.00+ 12.00
NEW++ 1L89v2 $500 on $2, just F-(VF NH small first 0 in surcharge (Stanley Gibbons 25+ pounds = $30.50+) 12.00+ 12.00
NEW++ 1L89v3 $500 on $2, F-VF used small 5 in surcharge, straight edge on right (Stanley Gibbons 40+ pounds = $49+) 12.00+ 9.00
NEW++ 1L90 $500 on $50 almost VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 65 pounds = $79) 30.00 27.50
sold 1L91 $1500 on $5, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 25 pounds = $31.00) 12.00 9.00
sold 1L91v $1500 on $5, horizontal pair imperforate between with left and bottom side mrgins, small 5 in surcharge on left stamp VF NH ???? 150.00
NEW++ 1L92 $1500 on $150, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 45 pounds = $55.00) 25.00 18.50
NEW++ 1L92v $1500 on $150, F-VF NH l imperforate margin on right, large blank oval empty spot under Mao's mouth probably due to foreign matter on plate, plate position 70 out of 100 ???? 42.50
sold 1L93 $2500 on $10, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 30 pounds = $37.50) 15.00 11.50
NEW++ 1L94 $2500 on $300, dark paper rough perforations, F-VF NH (Stanley Gibbons 30 pounds = $36.50) 20.00 14.50
NEW++ 1L94 $2500 on $300, dark paper rough perforations, F-VF light corner
CD cancel, heavily toned (Stanley Gibbons 45 pounds = $55)
20.00 12.50
sold 1L95-97 $100 to $500 Crane operator, almost VF NH 23.00 16.00
sold 1L98-100 $500 to $2500 Farmer, worker and soldier, F-VF NH 70.00 52.50 (minus discount)
sold 1L101-5 $300 to $6500 Mao, F-VF NH 12.10 8.00
1L103 $1500 Mao, VF NH 0.90 .60
NEW 1L104 $4500 Mao, F-VF NH 0.90 .60
NEW 1L105 $6500 Mao, F-VF NH .90 .60
sold 1L106-10 $1000 to $10,000 "51", F-VF NH 7.00 4.50
  1L107 $1500 "51" VF NH 0.65 .40
1L109 $6500 "51" VF NH 0.85 .50
sold 1L111-114 $5000 to $100,000 Fields and factories,
10.50 7.00
1L113 $50,000 Fields & Factories, F-VF NH 0.90 .60
sold 1L114 $100,000 Fields & Factories, F-VF NH 1.25 .90
sold 1L115-17 $1500 to $6500 Workers, VF NH 6.25 4.00
  1L115 $1500 Workers, VF NH 1.50 .90
sold 1L118-20 $1500 to $6500 Monument, F-VF NH 7.50 4.50
NEW 1L118 $1500 Monument, F-VF NH 1.50 .90
sold 1L121-124 $1000 to $4500 Lantern originals, XF NH (Gibbons 275 British pounds = $370) 200.00 157.50 (minus discount)
1L121-124R $1000 to $4500 Lantern reprints, XF NH 14.00 9.00
1L123R $3000 Lantern reprint, XF NH   2.00
1L124R $4500 Lantern reprint, XF NH   2.00
NEW 1L125 $1500 Factory, F-VF NH 1.50 1.00
NEW 1L125 F-VF LHR 1.50 .75
sold 1L126 $2000 on $300 Mao, VF NH 37.50 28.50
sold 1L127 $2000 on $4500 Mao, F-VF NH 50.00 35.00
sold 1L128 $2500 on $1500 Mao, F-VF NH .70 .50
sold 1L129 $2500 on $6500 Mao, F-VF NH two tiny stains in upper left corner 37.50 21.00
1L130 $5000 on $1500 Factory, VF LH 0.60 .40
1L131 $20,000 on $4500 Mao, F-VF LH 0.40 .25
1L132 $35,000 on $300 Mao, F-VF LH 0.50 .35
1L133-34R $5000 & $20,000 globe & hammer reprints, VF NH 4.00 2.50
NEW++ 1L135R $35,000 & globe & hammer reprint, VF NH 575.00 397.50(minus discount)
sold 1L136-39 $1000 & $20,000 Mao & conference hall originals VF NH 190.00 142.50
1L136-39R $1000 to $20,000 Mao & conference hall reprints, VF NH 13.00 8.00
1L136R $1000 Peking conference hall reprint, VF NH ~3.00 1.75
1L138R $5000 Mao at rostrum reprint, VF NH ~3.00 1.75
1L139R $20,000 Mao at rostrum reprint, VF NH ~3.00 1.75
sold 1L140-49 $500 to $50,000 gate,  most VF NH 77.50 54.50 (minus discount)
NEW 1L140 $500 gate, VF NH 2.00 1.25
NEW 1L141 $1000 orange gate, F-VF NH 2.25 1.50
  1L141 $1000 orange gate, VF light corner CD cancel 2.00 1.00
sold 1L142 $1000 rose gate, VF NH 4.50 3.00
  1L143 $2000 gate, VF NH 1.75 1.25
sold 1L145 $5000 gate, F-VF NH 35.00 22.50
  1L145 $5000 gate, F-VF light corner CD cancel 2.00 1.00
sold 1L146 $10,000 gate, F-VF LH 2.50 1.50
  1L147 $20,000 violet brown gate, F-VF NH 1.50 1.00
  1L147 $20,000 violet brown gate, VF LHR 1.50 1.00
  1L148 $35,000 deep blue gate, VF NH 1.50 1.00
sold 1L149 $50,000 bright green gate, VF NH 22.50 16.00
sold 1L149 $50,000 bright green gate, VFappearance NH, thin 22.50 6.00
NEW 1L150-53R $5,000 to $30,000 Mao & flag reprints, VF NH 55.00 32.50
1L150-53R $5,000 to $30,000 Mao & flag reprints, VF LH 55.00 29.50
1L150R $5,000 Mao & flag reprint, VF NH ~12.50 7.50
1L152R $20,000 Mao & flag reprint, VF NH ~12.50 7.50
sold 1L153R $30,000 Mao & flag reprint, VF NH ~12.50 7.50
1L154-56R $2500 to $20,000 dove reprinta, VF NH 6.00 4.00
NEW 1L154R $5000 dove reprint, VF NH ~2.00 1.50
1L155R $5000 dove reprint, VF NH ~2.00 1.50
NEW 1L155R $5000 dove reprint, F-VF CTO ~2.00 1.00
  1L156R $20,000 dove reprint, VF NH ~2.00 1.50
NEW 1L157-61R $1000 to $20,000 flag reprints,
30.00 19.50
  1L157-61R $1000 to $20,000 flag reprints,
30.00 17.50
1L157R $1000 flag reprint, VF NH ~6.00 3.00
1L158R $2500 flag reprint, VF NH ~6.00 3.00
1L159R $5000 flag reprint, VF NH ~6.00 3.00
1L160R $10,000 flag reprint, VF LH ~6.00 3.00
sold 1L162-63 $2500 & $5000 Postal conference, originals VF NH 90.00 67.50
NEW++ 1L163 $5000 Postal conference, original VF LHR 45.00 29.50
NEW 1L162-63R $2500 & $5000 Postal conference reprints, VF NH 5.00 3.00
1L162R $2500 postal conference, VF NH ~2.00 1.00
NEW 1L164 $5,000 gate, F-VF NH 15.00 11.00
NEW 1L164 $5,000 gate, VF LH 15.00 10.00
NEW 1L164 $5,000 gate, just F-VF (perfs just clear of frameline on the left) LHR 15.00 7.50
NEW 1L165 $30,000 gate, VF NH 9.00 7.00
NEW 1L165 $30,000 gate, F-VF LHR (issued without gum) 9.00 6.00
NEW 1L165$30,000 gate, just F-VF (large top and side margins, small side and bottom margins) NH 9.00 5.50
NEW 1L166 $100,000 gate, almost VF NH 16.00 11.50
NEW 1L166 $100,000 gate, F (perfs cutting frameline on the left) LHR 16.00 6.00
NEW 1L167-75 $250 to $20,000 wmk gate, F-VF NH 21.00 13.50
NEW 1L167-75 $250 to $20,000 wmk gate, F-VF LH 21.00 12.50
NEW 1L168 $500 wmk gate, VF NH 1.75 1.25
NEW 1L169 $1000 wmk gate, VF NH 2.00 1.25
  1L170 $2000 wmk gate, VF NH 3.00 2.00
  1L171 $2500 wmk gate, VF NH 1.75 1.00

1L172(1) $5000 wmk gate, VF NH

3.75 2.50
RECENT 1L172(2) $5000 wmk gate, F-VF NH 3.75 2.25
  1L173 $10,000 wmk gate, VF NH 2.50 1.50
  1L174 $12,500 wmk gate, VF NH 1.75 1.00
1L175 $20,000 wmk gate, VF NH 2.75 1.75
sold 1L175v $50,000 wmk gate, VF NH 200.00 149.50
NEW 1L176-178R $2500 to Stalin & Mao reprints, VF NH 16.00 10.50
  1L176R $2500 Stalin & Mao reprint, VF NH ~5.00 3.00
  1L177R $5000 Stalin & Mao reprint, VF CTO ?????? 1.50
NEW Harbin Post: Gibbons NE91-94 (Yang 1998 Ed.: NE330-333, $6.00) "Victory," VF NH, 7.25 pounds = $9.00 ????? 7.00
NEW Harbin Post: Gibbons NE95-98 (Yang 1998 Ed.: NE334-337. $7.20) "1921 Chinese Revolution." VF NH, 7.25 pounds = $9.00 ????? 7.00


Port Arthur and Dairen

Note Scott # and                                       Description                                                Scott  Value


  2L1 F-VF NH 72.50 47.50
sold 2L1 F-VF LH 72.50 32.50
sold 2L2(1) VF NH 37.50 21.50
sold 2L2(2) F-VF NH 37.50 19.50
  2L2(3) F-VF LH 37.50 17.50
  2L3 F-VF NH (Yang CC1) 19.50 9.75
NEW 2L3 vertical block of 6 with decorative right side margin, F-VF NH 117.00 62.50 (minus discount)
sold 2L4 F-VF VLH 18.00 9.00
  2L7 VF NH 22.00 11.00
sold 2L11 VF NH 18.00 12.50
sold 2L12 F-VF NH 24.00 16.00
sold 2L14 VF NH (partly glazed gum) 11.50 5.00
sold 2L18 VF NH 52.50 36.50
sold 2L26 VF NH 85.00 57.50
sold 2L29 XF NH 24.00 17.50
sold 2L32 just F-VF no gum & NH 40.00 13.50
sold 2L33 almost VF NH 65.00 42.50
sold 2L34 F-VF part gum NH 100.00 42.50
NEW 2L53 F (centered to left and bottom) HR (Gibbons 5 pounds = $6.80) 3.00 2.50
sold 2L54 F-VF HR (Gibbons 38 pounds = $51.50) 20.00 17.50
sold 2L55 VF LHR (Gibbons 25 pounds = $34.00) 22.50 17.50
sold 2L57 F-VF NH 55.00 39.50
sold 2L59 VF NH (Gibbons 60 pounds = $81.50) 45.00 37.50
sold 2L60 VF NH 45.00 27.50
sold 2L68 VF NH 100.00 77.50 (minus discount)
sold 2L69 VF NH 175.00 137.50 (minus discount)
sold 2L70-71 VF NH 180.00 142.50 (minus discount)
sold 2L72-76 VF NH 735.00 580.00 (minus discount)


 North China

Note Scott # and Description Scott Value


sold 3L24-31 XF NH all with sheet margins, $2 has mild stain in upper right corner (no charge) 26.00 17.50
NEW++ 3L27 VF NH 3.50 2.25
NEW++ 3L29 VF NH 3.50 2.25
NEW 3L29 F medium cancel slightly cut in at top 1.25 .50
NEW 3L29a XF H 3.50 2.00
sold 3L32 VF H 3.25 2.25
sold 3L33 VF NH 5.50 4.00
sold 3L34 VF-XF NH 5.50 4.25
sold 3L36 VF NH 7.50 5.75
NEW++ 3L37 F+ (perforations close on left and bottom) H .65 .30
  3L40 XF NH .85 .50
sold 3L41 VF NH 9.50 7.00
sold 3L42 almost VF NH 2.75 1.75
NEW++ 3L43 F-VF light CD cancel 3.25 1.50
sold 3L45 VF NH toned paper 7.00 3.50
NEW++ 3L46 almost VF light CD cancel 1.50 .90
sold 3L47 F-VF light CD cancel 4.50 2.25
sold 3L47a almost VF a bit toned 20.00 10.00
sold 3L48 VF NH 7.00 5.00

3L49 F-VF heavyish "TIENTSIN" CD cancel

6.25 3.00
NEW++ 3L50 VF medium CD cancel 9.00 5.00
NEW++ 3L51 just F-VF medium CD cancel 4.50 2.25
sold 3L52 F-VF light CD cancel 9.00 4.50
sold 3L53 VF VF NH 30.00 22.50
NEW++ 3L53 VF light CD cancel 3.25 1.75
sold 3L55 VF medium CD cancel 3.25 1.50
NEW++ 3L56 VF NH .85 .60
sold 3L57 VF NH 7.00 5.00
sold 3L58 almost VF NH 4.50 3.00
NEW++ 3L58a VF tiny LHR 15.00 11.00
NEW++ 3L59 VF centering light cancel, missng perforation in upper left corner 1.75 .75
NEW++ 3L60 VF NH .50 .30
sold 3L61 VF NH 13.00 8.75
sold 3L63 VF NH 11.00 7.50
sold 3L64 VF off-the-face "SHANGHAI" cancel 5.00 3.00
sold 3L66 VF light CD cancel 6.50 3.25
sold 3L67 VF light corner CD cancel 35.00 17.50
NEW++ 3L68 VF light CD cancel 12.50 7.50
NEW++ 3L69 F-VF light CD cancel 4.50 2.50
sold 3L70 VF heavyish CD cancel 8.25 4.00
NEW++ 3L71 VF LH 8.00 5.50
NEW++ 3L72 XF LH several short perforations on left 8.00 4.00
NEW++ 3L73 VF light corner CD cancel 1.25 1.00
NEW++ 3L74 just F-VF heavy CD cancel 6.50 3.00
sold 3L75 almost VF NH 40.00 28.50
sold 3L76 F-VF heayish on-the-nose CD cancel 8.50   4.00
NEW++ 3L77-81 VF NH 47.50 31.50
sold 3L77-81I VF NH imperforate 50.00 32.50
sold 3L82-88 F-VF NH 50.50 38.50
sold 3L82-88I XF NH imperforate, all with corner margins, spectacular 150.00 120.00 (minus discount)
sold 3L83 just F-VF NH 2.00 1.00


3L89-95 VF NH 56.50 39.50
NEW++ 3L89 VF medium CD cancel 7.00 4.00
NEW++ 3L90 F-VF LHR .50 .30
sold 3L92 F-VF light CD cancel 4.50 2.25
sold 3L93 F-VF light CD cancel 4.50 2.25
sold 3L94 VF NH 15.00 11.00
NEW++ 3L94 VF light CD cancel 2.50 1.25
sold 3L95 VF heavyish CD cancel 7.00 3.00
sold 3L96-99 VF NH 22.00 15.00
NEW++ 3L96 VF medium CD cancel 6.00 3.50
  3L97 1.00 .50
NEW++ 3L97 XF light corner CD cancel 1.50 .90
NEW 3L98 just F-VF NH 1.00 .60
NEW++ 3L98 VF light CD cancel 2.75 1.50
NEW++ 3L96 VF medium CD cancel 6.00 3.50
NEW++ 3L99 VF NH 1.00 .50
sold 3LQ10 VF light CD cancel 3.50 2.25
sold 3LQ11 VF light CD cancel 3.50 2.25
sold 3LQ12 VF light CD cancel 3.50 2.25
sold 3LQ14 F-VF light CD cancel 6.50 3.50
sold 3LQ15 VF light CD cancel 5.00 3.25
sold 3LQ15a VF NH with top right corner margins and number 029 20.50 15.00
sold 3LQ17 VF light CD cancel 6.00 4.00
sold 3LQ18 VF light CD cancel 6.00 4.00
sold 3LQ19 VF NH 40.00 29.50
sold 3LQ22 VF NH 17.50 12.00


Northwest China

Note Scott # and Description Scott Value


NEW++ 4L10 VF LHR 37.50 27.50
sold 4L17-22 VF LH 37.00 27.50
NEW++ 4L17 VF LHR 10.00 6.00
NEW++ 4L18 VF LHR 10.00 6.00
NEW++ 4L19 VF LH 10.00 7.00
sold 4L23-24 XF NH 100.00 75.00(minus discount)
NEW++ 4L24 F-VF LH 40.00 27.50
4L25-27 VF LHR 2.55 1.50
sold 4L28 F-VF LHR 2.25 1.25
sold 4L30 F-VF LH 13.50 9.50
sold 4L31-33 VF NH 95.00 77.50 (minus discount)
NEW++ 4L34 VF LH 1.25 .90
NEW++ 4L35 VF LHR 1.25 .75
sold 4L36 VF LHR 1.25 .75
NEW++ 4L37 light CD cancel F-VF 6.00 3.50
NEW++ 4L38 medium cancel F-VF 15.00 7.50
NEW++ 4L51 light CD cancel F-VF 6.00 3.50
sold 4L65-68 VF NH 27.25 20.50
  4L66 VF NH 1.75 .90


East China 

Note Scott # and Description Scott Value


sold 5L5 VF LHR 2.50 1.75
NEW++ 5L10-19 $1 to $50 VF LHR  (most have straight edges) 8.60 4.25
NEW++ 5L20 $100 VF heavyish cancel  (straight edge on top) 27.50 12.50
NEW++ 5L13b VF NH  (no straight edge) 1.25 1.00
NEW++ 5L21-30 $1 to $50 VF most NH   (no straight edges) 6.65 4.00
sold 5L21-31I VF LH  imperforate (issued with no gum) 40.00 27.50


5L21-27 F-VF NH 2.40 1.25
  5L24 medium CD cancel 2.00 1.00
  5L28 VF NH 3.50 1.75
sold 5L30 VF medium off-the-face CD cancel 2.25 1.00
reserved 5L32-42 F-VF LHR 11.95 8.00
NEW++ 5L43 (perf 12 1/2) VF NH 1.00 0.50
  5L43a (perf 13) VF NH 3.25 1.75
NEW++ 5L44 (perf 12 1/2) VF NH 1.00 0.75
NEW++ 5L44a (perf 13) VF NH 3.25 2.25
sold 5L44b (perf 14) VF H 5.75 4.00
sold 5L54-59 VF NH except 5L58 VLH 45.25 32.50
  5L54 VF NH 4.00 3.00
NEW++ 5L54 VF LH 4.00 2.50
  5L54 medium CD cancels 4.00 2.00
NEW++ 5L55 just F-VF LHR 2.00 1.00
NEW++ 5L57 F-VF NH 5.00 3,75
NEW++ 5L59 VF NH 2.75 1.50
sold 5L60-68 VF NH (no straight edges) 18.00 13.50
sold 5L60-67 VF NH (partial set) 3.00 2.25
NEW++ 5L66 F-VF light corner cancel 3.00 1.75
NEW++ 5L67 F-VF light corner cancel 1.00 .60
  5L67 VF medium on-the-nose CD cancel 1.00 .50
NEW++ 5L68 F+ (perforations toucing design at left and bottom) heavy corner cancel 8.00 4.00
sold 5L69-76 F-VF NH 11.15 7.50
sold 5L69-73 VF NH (partial set) 1.25 .75
sold 5L70a VF NH .50 .30
  5L72 VF light CD cancel .50 .25
NEW++ 5L74 almost VF medium mostly off-the-face cancel 2.00 1.25
sold 5L77-81 VF NH 3.00 2.25
NEW++ 5L82 F-VF LHR 8.00 5.75
NEW++ 5L83 XF LHR 10.00 7.25
sold 5L84-90 VF mostly NH 3.50 2.50
sold 5L91-95 VF NH 25.65 18.50
  5L91 light CD cancel 1.50 .90
  5L91 light CD cancel 1.50 .90
NEW++ 5L91 light CD cancel, missing perforation at lower left 1.50 .50
NEW++ 5L92 VF NH 2.25 1.75
NEW++ 5L93 VF NH .90 .60
NEW++ 5L94 VF light CD cancel 3.00 1.75
NEW++ 5L95 VF light CD cancel .75 .40
NEW++ 5L96a perforation 14, almost VF NH 45.00 29.50
sold 5LQ23-26 F-VF NH lovely set, 5LQ25 has a natural thin consisting of a horizontal, very narrow and shallow indentation across 2/3 of back (Gibbons 375 pounds = $506 for set) 280.00 157.50 (minus discount)
NEW 5LQ27-30 VF NH 228.25 142.50 (minus discount)
NEW++ 5LQ27 VF NH .75 .40
NEW++ 5LQ30 F-VF NH 7.50 5.50
NEW Yang EC122 F-VF centering, light horizontal crease NH 4.50 1.25



Central China

Note Scott # and Description Scott Value


sold 6L1 VF NH 4.00 2.50
  6L2 VF NH 4.00 2.50
NEW 6L2 F-VF LH 4.00 2.00
  6L3 VF NH 4.00 2.50
NEW 6L3 F-VF small LHR 4.00 2.00
sold 6L4 F-VF NH 7.50 4.50
  6L5 VF NH 4.00 2.50
sold 6L6 F-VF NH 25.00 14.50
sold 6L7 VF NH 5.50 3.50
sold 6L8 VF NH 7.00 4.50
NEW++ 6L9 VF NH 3.50 2.00
  6L10 F-VF NH 3.50 2.00
sold 6L11 F-VF NH 5.25 3.50
sold 6L12 VF NH 7.00 4.50
sold 6L14 VF NH 6.50 4.00
sold 6L15 F-VF NH 27.50 16.50
sold 6L16 F-VF NH 5.00 3.00
sold 6L17-32** VF mostly NH 84.50 67.50
sold 6L17 VF NH 2.50 1.50
sold 6L18 F-VF NH 7.00 4.25
sold 6L19 VF NH 7.00 4.25
sold 6L20 F-VF NH 7.00 3.00
sold 6L22-32 VF LH 57.00 38.50
sold 6L22 F-VF NH 6.50 3.75
sold 6L24 VF LH one pulled perforation 6.50 2.25
sold 6L25 VF NH 3.50 2.50
sold 6L27 almost VF NH 4.50 3.00
sold 6L28 F-VF NH 6.50 4.50
sold 6L29 VF full light CD cancel 4.00 2.00
sold 6L30 F-VF LHR 4.00 2.50
sold 6L31 VF LHR 3.50 2.00
sold 6L33 VF NH 10.00 6.50
sold 6L34 F-VF NH 6.00 4.00
sold 6L35 just F-VF NH 7.50 5.25
sold 6L36 F-VF NH 1.00 .75
  6L37 VF NH .25 .15
sold 6L38 VF NH 35.00 24.50
NEW 6L39(1) F-VF many short perforations NH 2.00 .60
sold 6L39(2) F-VF H 2.00 1.00
NEW++ 6L40 VF NH .30 .20
NEW 6L40a F-VF NH .80 .50
NEW 6L40a VF light CD cancel .70 .35
NEW++ 6L41 VF centering heavyyish corner cancel, missing upper left corner perforation 30.00 12.00
NEW 6L42 F-VF light CD cancel 12.00 6.00
NEW++ 6L43(1) VF NH .70 .40
  6L43(2) F-VF NH with bottom tab & Chinese characters .70 .45
NEW++ 6L44 VF NH .90 .60
NEW++ 6L45 VF NH .80 .50
  6L45 almost VF light CD cancel 8.00 4.50
NEW++ 6L46 VF NH 4.00 2.75
sold 6L48 F (perforations touch bottom margin) NH 1.00 .50
NEW 6L48v & 49v Imperforate $110 & $130 XF NH (Gibbons CC76a & CC77a  2 x 20 pounds = $54)   29.50
sold 6L49 F-VF NH 5.00 3.25
NEW++ 6L50 VF NH .50 .35
  6L50 VF light CD cancel .50 .25
  6L51 VF NH 1.75 1.00
NEW++ 6L51 almost VF LHR 1.75 .80
NEW 6L52 VF NH 1.75 1.25
NEW++ 6L52 F-VF NH 1.75 1.00
sold 6L53 VF NH  Type I 7.50 5.00
NEW++ 6L53 Type I VF medium off-the-face cancel 1.50 .90
sold 6L54 VF NH  Type II 20.00 14.50
NEW++ 6L54a Type I F+ (perforations touch frame at top) light corner cancel, several short perforations 14.00 5 .00
NEW++ 6L55 VF ccntering medium CD cancel, several short and missing perforations 5.00 2.00
sold 6L56 VF-XF NH  6.00 4.75
sold 6L57-62 F-VF HR (issued without gum) 26.00 13.00
NEW++ 6L57-62v Imperforate set VF NH  52.00 42.50
NEW 6L57-62v Imperforate set VF LHR (issued without gum) 52.00 29.50
sold 6L58 VF NH imperforate 6.00 3.50
NEW 6L59 VF NH imperforate, with sheet margin 6.00 4.00
sold 6L60 VF NH imperforate, with sheet margin 6.00 4.00
sold 6L63-65 NH 6L63 is F (perfs touch design on the right), other two are VF 23.50 15.00
sold 6L66-73,75 VF NH overprinted farmer, soldier & worker set 23.65 16.00
sold 6L82-87 VF NH 30.50 26.00
reserved 6L82-87v Imperforate set VF NH 30.50 27.50
sold 6L88-89 VF NH 67.50 49.50
sold 6L90 just F-VF NH .55 .30
sold 6L92 just F-VF NH .55 .30
sold 6L93 VF NH 3.00 2.25
sold 6L94 F-VF NH 3.00 2.00
sold 6L95 VF NH 3.25 2.25
NEW++ 6L97 VF heavyish "HANKOW" CD cancel  1.60 .80
sold 6L98 F-VF NH 1.60 .75
NEW++ 6L98 VF light corner CD cancel  1.60 1.00
sold 6L99 VF NH .50 .35
NEW++ 6L99 almost VF medium CD cancel  2.50 1.50
sold 6L100 VF NH .50 .35
NEW++ 6L100 VF medium CD cancel  2.50 1.50
sold 6L101 VF NH .50 .35
NEW++ 6L101 F-VF medium CD cancel  1.75 1.00
NEW++ 6L102 VF light corner CD cancel  1.75 1.25
NEW++ 6L105 VF light CD cancel 6.75 4.25
NEW 6L105 VF medium CD cancel 6.75 3.50
NEW++ 6L109 almost VF centering light CD cancel. missing lower right corner perforation 4.50 1.75
sold  6LQ1-4 VF NH 38.00 25.00


Central China (Yang 1998 Listings)

Note Yang # and Description


sold CC46 (Yang 1.50) .75
  CC167 (Yang .30) .15
  CC168 (Yang 2.25) 1.25
sold CC170 (Yang .60) .30
  CC175 (Yang 24.00) three short perfs on left but ok 8.00
LCC51 (Yang 18.00) 9.00


South China

Note Scott # and Description Scott Value


NEW++ 7L1-5 $10 to $100 bridge, VF NH 4.90 3.50
  7L1-5 $10 to $100 bridge, VF LH 4.90 3.00
sold 7L6 2 1/2 cents on $500, just F-VF NH 35.00 17.50
sold 7L15 10c, F-VF NH 20.00 13.50
sold 7L16 20c, F-VF NH 40.00 27.50
NEW++ 7L19-23 $300 on $30 to $1000 in $20, F-VF medium CD cancels 36.00 22.50
NEW 7L22 $1000 on $10, F-VF light CD cancel 8.00 4.50


Southwest China

Note Scott # and Description Scott


sold 8L1-11 VF NH 101.20 72.50 (minus discount)
NEW++ 8L2 VF NH ,45 .30
NEW++ 8L3 VF NH ,60 .40
NEW++ 8L4 VF medium corner CD cancel 2.00 1.25
NEW++ 8L5 F-VF NH .90 .60
  8L5 VF LH .90 .50
NEW++ 8L7 VF medium CD cancel 2.00 1.25
NEW 8L11 VF NH 57.50 42.50
sold 8L14 VF LHR 30.00 22.50
sold 8L15 VF LHR 60.00 45.00
sold 8L17-20  17-19 are VF NH, 20 is F-VF NH 8.50 5.50
NEW++ 8L18 F-VF NH perforations short or mssing on the left 2.75 1.00
NEW++ 8L19 F-VF LH 1.75 1.25
NEW 8L19 VF LHR (issued without gum) 1.75 1.00
NEW++ 8L20 VF NH 2.75 2.00
sold 8L21-25  21 is F-VF NH, 22 to 25 are VF NH 32.00 23.50
NEW++ 8L23 VF NH with left side margin 7.00 5.25
sold 8L24 XF NH 7.00 5.50
sold 8L26-27 F-VF  8L26 is NH, 8L27 has small light hinge remnant 18.00 13.50
sold 8L28-29 wide spacing VF NH (surcharge on 
   8L28 is overinked)
55.00 39.50
sold 8L28-29 narrow spacing VF NH 55.00 39.50
NEW++ 8L38 F-VF NH 4.00 3.00
sold 8L40-42 VF small light hinge remnant 92.50 67.50 (minus discount)


Southwest China (Yang 1998 Listings)

Note Yang # and Description


    sold LSW2 VF NH (Yang value $120) 72.50

Revised: April 22, 2024