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For French and
colonies stamps except for 2000 onward, discounts apply to all single items or
groups of items: 5% over $50, 10% over $111, 15% over $250.
Scott #
Description and Our Price
1(1) |
1c eagle & crown, F-VF 3 good margins, top one just touching, very light
cancel, 6.00
1(2) |
1c eagle & crown, F-VF 3 margins, top one just touching, light
cancel, 4.00
2() |
5c eagle & crown, VF 4 very large margins, vestiges of gum, nice looking, 6.00
2(1) |
5c eagle &
crown, XFapp, 4 very large margins, very light cancel, filled thins, 3.50
2(2) |
5c eagle & crown, F-VF 3 large margins and one close but ok, medium lozenge
cancel thin, 1.75
3(1) |
10c eagle & crown, VFapp 4 large margins, light lozenge cancel, thin but
fresh and very nice looking, 2.00
3(2) |
10c eagle & crown, F cut close but all design is there except at very top,
light lozenge cancel, 1.50
3(3) |
10c eagle & crown, F-VFapp 3 large margins & left one close, light
"SAIGON CD cancel, tiny thin & light corner crease, but
nice looking, 1.75
4 |
20c eagle &
crown, F-VF 4 margins with 3 of them large, light lozenge cancel, 3.25
5() |
40c eagle & crown, VF 4 good margins, slight discoloration at right, NG,
5(1) |
40c eagle & crown, VF 4 good margins, very light CD cancel, 5.00
5(2) |
40c eagle & crown, XF 3 immense & one large margins, heavy 9 x 9 black
cancel, 4.50
5(3) |
40c eagle & crown, VF 3 large & one close margins, light lozenge cancel,
small thin, 1.75
6()(1) |
80c eagle & crown, VF 4 large margins, couple of tiny gum stains, a bit of
original gum, 17.50
6()(2) |
80c eagle & crown, VF 4 large margins, small stains & a tiny thin at top left,
good color, NG, 9.00
6 |
80c eagle &
crown, Fapp 2 large margins--slightly cutting at top and right, somewhat
smeared light lozenge cancel, 3 mm tear at bottom, 2.50
7(1) |
1c Napoleon
III, F-VF 4 margins but bottom very narrow, "PD" in square cancel,
sold |
7(2) |
1c Napoleon III, VFapp 4 large margins, light CD cancel, couple of small thins,
very nice looking, 8.00
10 |
15c Ceres,
VF 4 margins one close & 2 immense, light lozenge cancel, small thin but
nice looking 2.50
13(1) |
Napoleon III, VF 4 nice margins, light pen stroke cancel, 8.50
13(2) |
30c Napoleon III, VFapp 4 large margins, lozenge cancel, small shallow thin,
sold |
14 |
40c orange
on yellowish, Ceres Type I, 3 full margins, right margin
cutting design at top only, light blue Senegal "SNG" cancel, thin,
15 |
Napoleon III, F-VF 3 9/10 margins, light lozenge cancel, natural vertical
ridge in the paper that has absorbed a little of the rose ink, 17.50
16() |
1c Ceres,
VF 4 margins one close NG, 2.50
16(1) |
1c Ceres, VF-XF 4 large margins, light off-the-face CD cancel, very nice,
16(2) |
1c Ceres, VF 4 margins, light lozenge cancel, 5.50
16(3) |
1c Ceres,
F 3 3/4 margins, light CD cancel, attractive, 3.50
19 |
5c Ceres,
VF 4 good margins, light off-the-face grid cancel, good color, very nice, 4.00
20(3) |
10c Ceres
bister on rose, F 2 margins with frame line visible on the other two, "te a
Pitre Guad 23 Avril 81" CD cancel with "Avril" inverted, 4.00
sold |
22(2) |
30c Ceres large numbers, "Pointe-a-Pitre" CD cancel, cut into the design at
upper left but fresh, 1.75
23(1) |
80c rose, 2 good margins, frame line missing at bottom and left, light
lozenge cancel, 12.50
sold |
23(2) |
80c rose, 3
good margins, frame line missing at bottom, light CD cancel, nicks in top &
bottom margins, 9.75
23(3) |
80c rose, F frameline missing at top & left, no thins, prominent "2240" cancel, a presentable
copy, 8.00 |
24 |
1c Peace &
Commerce Type I, F 3 1/2 margins OG HR, 5.00
25 |
4c Peace &
Commerce Type I, VF HR og nice margins, slight soiling but looks o.k.,
2.75 |
25 |
4c Peace & Commerce Type I, F-VF (3 good margins, touching frame line at
top) light CD cancel, 3.50
sold |
27 |
40c Peace &
Commerce Type I, VF LH og nice margins, owners stamp on back shows through
faintly but not a real problem, 6.00 |
sold |
31 |
5c Peace &
Commerce Type II green, VF 4 margins, 2.00
32 |
10c Peace &
Commerce Type II green, XF 4 large margins, light blue lozenge cancel, very
nice, 6.00
36 |
35c Peace &
Commerce Type II, F-VF 4 margins two of them close, 7.50
sold |
38 |
1c black on
light blue, F-VF 4 margins, 2 of them small, light CD cancel, 3.50
sold |
39 |
2c Peace &
Commerce brown, VF LHR og 4 good margins, gum creases,
2.75 |
39 |
2c Peace & Commerce brown, F light cancel,
2.75 |
sold |
46 |
1c Commerce, F (centered to top & right) OG HR, 1.25
46() |
1c Commerce, VF centering NG, some missing blue in the center, .60
47(1) |
2c Commerce, F light CD cancel, 1.00
47(2) |
2c Commerce, F light cancel, short perforation, .75
sold |
48() |
4c Commerce, F (centered left & bottom) NG, .50
49(1) |
5c Commerce, F-VF light CD cancel, .75
49(2) |
5c Commerce, F (centered to right & bottom), CD cancel, .50
50 |
Commerce, F (centered to left & bottom), light CD cancel, 1.25
51 |
15c Commerce, F-VF blue CD cancel, .75
52 |
20c Commerce, F app light CD cancel, thin, 1.50
54 |
25c Commerce black on rose, F very light CD cancel, .75
B1 |
1,50 F 98,50F stamp with upper label containing cross of Lorraine, VF HR, 19.50
sold |
B3-6 |
Patriots &
map of France set of 4, VF NH, 2.50
sold |
B7 |
10F 40F
refugee family, F-VF NH, 2.25
sold |
B7 |
10F 40F
refugee family, VF HR, 1.25
sold |
B8 |
10F 40F
woman with wing, VF NH, 3.50
sold |
J4 |
4c black
postage due, XF 4 large margins OG HR (Yvert 4.60 Euros = $5.25),
sold |
J15 |
5c blue, XF 4 large margins, light CD cancel, .50
sold |
J16 |
10c gray brown, VF 4 margins, light CD cancel, .50
sold |
J17 |
15c pale green, XF 4 large margins OG HR, .50
sold |
J18 |
20c olive green, XF 4 large margins OG HR, .50
French Morocco
Scott #
Description and Our Price
1 |
5c on 5c
green, F-VF used, 1.00 |
2 |
5c on 5c
yellow green, Type II, F used with minor wrinkles, 3.25 |
sold |
2a |
5c on 5c
yellow green, Type I, F "Rabat Maroc 9 Mars 02" CD cancel, 6.00 |
sold |
4 |
20c on 20c
red, F-VF LH, 11.25 |
4 |
20c on 20c
red, F-VF "Tanger Maroc, 4 Aout 98" cancel, 6.00 |
5(2) |
25c on 25c,
F CD cancel, .75
6 |
50c on 50c
carmine, Type II, F-VF "Tanger" cancel, 9.00 |
sold |
7 |
1p on 1F
bronze green, beautifully centered, VF with light hinge remnant, 32.50
7 |
1p on 1F
bronze green, VF app used, 5 mm closed tear, 6.00 |
15(1) |
F-VF light CD cancel, 1.50
15(2) |
F-VF heavy "TA MARO 15 AVRIL 03" CD cancel, 1.00
16 |
10c on 10c
rose red, F HR, 1.50 |
16 |
10c on 10c
rose red, F light CD cancel, 1.00 |
17 |
20c on 20c
brown, just F-VF H, 9.75 |
17 |
20c, F-VF
off-the-face CD cancel, 7.50
18 |
25c on 25c
blue, VF LHR, 9.50 |
18 |
25c, F CD
cancel, .75
20 |
50c, VF
full "Tanger Maroc 30-6-07" CD cancel, 7.00
sold |
21 |
1p on 1F,
F (centered to the top but nice) "06" CD cancel, 16.00
sold |
35 |
40c, VF
1922 CD cancel, 1.50
B8 |
10c 5c semipostal overprint, F-VF LH,
sold |
C20-26 |
80c to 10F
1939=40 airmail set of 7, VF NH, 3.50
J4 |
50c on 50c
postage due, looks F-VF, small thin, 4.00
J11 |
10c on 10c
postage due, VF H, 5.25